Mandatory Public Disclosure |

"Everyone knows all the questions, but no one knows the answer"
is what T. S. Eliot said about the 20th century; with these questions come doubts, uncertainty and without proper guidance, life becomes nasty, brutish and short. In such a scenario, it is quite obvious that the educational system carries massive responsibilities and I don't have to get upset with people or situations. Both remain powerless unless I react to them is what I have learnt from my lord Almighty God.
Teachers' role is too vital in this whole process. Teacher is at heart of this transformation in learning to facilitate every student to enjoy learning and achieve the full potential. Teacher should not be a communicator but also a mobilizer, persuader, promoter, motivator, coordinator. The future of students lies in the hands of teachers who can influence a child's growth and ability to achieve in life. Quality education not only enhances a child's future potential, it also provides the skills necessary to function as a productive member of the society. Let's take the canvas of hope and the brush of a glorious vision and paint your own portrait of excellence. We all have limitless potential. 'Innovation' therefore, is essential to growth as it is the main catalyst which spurs it on.!!!
Jai Hind
With Kind Regards,
Joy Thaliyachira K
Principal, Founder and Trustee
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Uniform Pattern of Assessment Exam and Report Card
Students Representative Discipline Committee

"The Heart benevolent and kind most resembles GOD."

- Robert Burns

"Education has for its object the formation of character. This is the aim of both PARENT and TEACHER."
- Herbert Spencer